Change of company store opening hours during holidays
Company store PD Čečejovce informs its customers about the adjustment of opening hours during the upcoming holidays.
Open Day and Municipal Day in Čečejovce
Despite the fact that the harvest on our farms this year was smaller than the year before - due to the long period of draught and the invasion of voles – the traditions must be respected, which is also why our agricultural cooperatives of PD Čečejovce and PD Popudinské Močidľany decided to organize the Open Day and the Harvest Festival.
PD Nižný Lánec
Agricultural cooperative PD Nižný Lánec manages 563 ha of agricultural land, of which 51 ha is formed by permanent grassland used as pastures. We specialize in growing wheat, maize and sunflower.
In livestock we specialize in Charolais beef cattle breed, currently counting 400 heads.
More About Us
Livestock and Crop Production
In PD Nižný Lánec we specialize in Charolais beef cattle breed. Cattle are kept predominantly on pastures, only in winter season they are kept indoors.
In our plant production we specialize mainly in crops, both for internal use and for profit.
More About ProductionCompany Store
Since 2015 we have been producing a wide range of dairy products from cow milk in our own cheese making factory. You can buy them in our store – together with quality beef from our beef processing plant.
There are no artificial stabilizers or emuslifiers used in the cheesemaking process. Our dairy products are natural products and contain no artificial preservatives. This is the way how we make tasty, quality and healthy food.
Our ProductsJob vacancy
Are you looking for a suitable position? Send us your CV. Career
Ing. Pavel Tokoš
Chairman of the Board
Ing. Peter Bartko
Board Vice-chairman
Ing. Tomáš Duffek
Board Member
In case of questions contact us here.